Things Parents Should Know about St. Stan’s Athletics
Paperwork: Before participation in any practice or competition, all CYO athletes must first turn in the following completed forms: code of conduct, parental consent, and physical/CYO registration.
Choosing Teams: Every effort will be made by the athletic director to ensure that teams within the same grade level are evenly matched. This means that no teams will be stacked. Coaches will automatically have their own child(ren) on their team.
Games and Practices: According to CYO rules, no team may have more than 6 hours of combined game and practice time each week (Sun.-Sat.). Games are generally held on weekends; however, non-CYO games are occasionally scheduled on weeknights. Basketball, volleyball, and cheerleading practices are usually held in the St. Stan’s gym. Track, cross country, and soccer practices are generally held off campus.
Playing Time: CYO rules mandate that every player must participate in each game.
Specific playing time rules differ for each sport and each grade level. Beyond the minimal playing time requirements set forth by CYO, coaches have final say in the amount of playing time a player receives. With the athletic director’s approval, coaches may choose to sit out a player for an entire game if that player has missed too many practices or for other disciplinary reasons.
Sportsmanship: Every athlete and coach must sign and return the CYO Code of Conduct form and in doing agrees to conduct him or herself in a decent and respectable manner. Neither St. Stan’s nor CYO will tolerate any unsportsmanlike behavior from any of our athletes, coaches, parents, or spectators. Unsportsmanlike behavior includes but is not limited to the following: dirty play, playing overly aggressive, breaking the CYO rules of play, verbal abuse of any opposing player, coach or fan, and verbal abuse of or disagreement with any referee/official. Anyone representing St. Stan’s athletics (player, coach, or spectator) that displays conduct deemed unacceptable by either St. Stan’s or CYO may lose his/her privilege to participate in athletics at St. Stan’s. Winning (or losing) means nothing unless it is done with dignity.
Absence from School: Any student who is absent from school for half the day (or the equivalent of 3 classes) may not participate in any extra-curricular activities that same day. A student absent on Friday must receive the principal’s approval before he/she may participate in any weekend school or CYO sponsored event. (As a general rule, the student may play on Sunday, but not Saturday) Any student who has been suspended (in-school or out of school) may not participate in any athletic contests for the remainder of the week (including weekend games).
Communication: The best resource for information (practice times, game times etc.) regarding your child’s team is the head coach.
Non-St. Stan’s Students: St. Stan’s athletes who do not attend St. Stan’s School are asked to regularly check both the school and CYO websites for information regarding athletics. Non-St. Stan’s students must also maintain the same academic eligibility standards as St. Stan’s students. Therefore, non-St. Stan’s students are required to submit copies of report cards to the St. Stan’s athletic director so eligibility may be monitored.
Team Pictures: All athletes will be given an opportunity to purchase both a team picture and an individual picture. The date and time for team pictures will be announced.
Internet Consent Forms: Photographs of our athletes in action may be posted on the school website during the course of the year. No athlete, however, may have his/her photo posted online unless an internet consent form has been filled out and returned by a parent.
Parent Involvement: Parents can help make their child’s season a success by volunteering wherever possible. Help can be given by carpooling to and from games and practices, volunteering as a timer or line judge at games, and especially by working shifts at the St. Stan’s concession stand (during home volleyball and basketball games). Revenue generated by our concession stand helps us purchase new uniforms and equipment for our athletes. Please do your part by working your assigned concession stand shift.
Uniforms: Please take care of your uniform and keep it looking clean and nice.
Problems/Chain of Command: Parents who may have problems or concerns are asked to first attempt to resolve the issue by talking to the head coach. If a resolution cannot be made, the athletic director will work with both parties to reach a fair conclusion. The athletic director will seek the counsel of the principal in resolving the problem if the need arises.